CATCH! Canine Trainers Academy & Fit Paws Donation!
"You have been selected as a Mentor Trainer based on your skills, experience, and training philosophies. We are proud to have you as part of our team and community! " - CATCH
I received a call asking if I was interested in becoming a mentor trainer for the CATCH Canine Training Academy - and then she said we could become a mentor SCHOOL, so under the Diamonds in the Ruff umbrella, any of our instructors who wanted to take part, could. I have completed the agreement contract. We are now officially a Mentor Trainer school for the CATCH Canine Trainers Academy! This means that any of our instructors who are interested in making a litte extra money mentoring CTA students may do so.
You can find a copy of the agreement, expectations and student evaluation forms here.
And a copy of the school catalog here.
And you can visit their website at
As stipulated by our contract, we may not share the contract or materials outside of our relationship with the student and CTA, so please read, but do not share the information. We are also bound by the agreement to not speak poorly of CTA or individual students - or they about us.
The CTA students may be assigned to any beginning/prep class on our schedule as part of their required observations. Most likely this would generally be a class taught by the student's mentor trainer, but if scheduling doesn't allow for that, the student and mentor may sit in on other classes. They may also complete their hours by shadowing on private lessons.
Please let me know if you are interested in being a mentor!
MORE! I am working with Veronica Boutelle on incorporating parts of "What is My Dog Saying at the Dog Park?" into their Dog Walking Academy course!
The proposal from Dogwise of making What is My Dog Saying into a book is in limbo at present. When I started collecting all those photos in 2008, I wasn't looking ahead at needing 600 dpi huge photos. So if it happens, it will be collecting a whole bunch of new photos and re-releasing a new, updated version of WIMDS.
Earlier this year Cathy, Kim and I met with Dr. Kerry Fisher to hear her ideas for using Fit Paws exercise equipment at the prison training program, as well as for confidence building when working with shy and reactive dogs in the Not Ready for Prime Time and Puppy Confidence classes and private work. Perhaps we will revive our Stretching and Strengthening class! HUGE thanks to Dr. Kerry who arranged an amazing donation of equipment! In return, we will document our use of the equipment through photos and stories on Facebook and the website. What we are looking for are examples and testimonials on how the equipment was used and how it facilitated the behavior work we do. Case studies showing how the equipment is used in class and private consults will be forwarded on to Kerry. Every time you have a break through or story about how Fit Paws enhanced your work with dogs, send them my way. Photos, please!