Making tails wag since 1996!
3400 N. Monroe St. - Spokane, WA
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Diamonds in the Ruff

Packing Your Bag for Class -
A check list of supplies and tips for packing to make it easy for you and your dog to be relaxed and ready to train each week when you arrive.

When you come to class - Remember:
Your Dog!
They should be hungry, pottied, exercised - but not overly tired.
They should be fresh and well-rested. -
Have a snack, something to drink, put on comfortable shoes.
Put away any worries about how your dog will behave and get ready to enjoy some quality time with your dog.
Under the weather? please stay home and review your online homework. Email if you have questions! Should you send your dog to class with another family member? Only if that family member has been coming to class and works with the dog. (Please don't send the dog with Aunt Mabel who has no idea what to expect when she gets to class. It's not fair to her or your dog.) -
It's okay to leave your dog home ... Come without him if:
They are under the weather, limping, came in season, or otherwise not up for class - come without them!
It's also okay to leave your dog home if you've had a stressful day and just don't have the patience to wrangle everything, but don't want to miss the instruction. We totally understand.
Running late? Stuck in traffic and don't have time to make it home to get your dog? Come anyway! You are the most important student of your team. We are teaching you. You are teaching your dog! Running late? The first few minutes are getting settled - pop your head in and your instructor will help you slip in and get seated.
Bring your pre-packed training bag and supplies. (see below)

Pro Tip:
Prepare your treats the night before, so they are ready to pop into your training bag on your way out the door.
Leave a post-it on the door to remind you of things you might forget: "Treats in the fridge!"

You may find it easiest to park, gather your supplies, go in and select your seat and get set up, and then go get your dog.
What if I pull into the parking lot and realize I left my training bag or treats at home?
We've got you covered!
Did you open the car door and find that your dog has chewed his leash into a million pieces? Leave him in the car and come on in - we have loaners of just about anything you could need. Did he puke all over your car? We have cleaning supplies!
Don't be embarrassed - we've all been there!
Have your supplies organized in a tote bag or backpack to make taking it from the car to the classroom easy!
What to pack:
Things you need every week that can live in your bag: settle mat, chewies, bottled water and unbreakable dish. A hand towel.
Food rewards - packed by variety/value, tug toy if your dog finds that rewarding. A treat tote. Prep/Adv: Your clicker - and a spare.
Extras - just in case: Back-up leash/collar, back-up dry treats in case you forget yours on the kitchen counter, handi-wipes, etc.
Poop bags!
What will you need each week?
Every team is different!
Types of rewards and quantity depend on your individual dog. Bring more than you think you will need!
Outdoor class? Extra supplies depending on the weather - gloves, insect repellent, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses.
Include an ice pack in warm weather for high value refrigerated foods.
Supplies for the specific class you are taking. Ask your instructor and check your online homework to see if there are any listed.
You won't need to bring your printed handbook or homework sheets.

Children's snack containers and bento boxes are ideal ways to organize, store and transport your training rewards!

Put only a small amount of water in the bowl at a time to reduce how much might spill and place it under your chair where it won't accidentally get kicked over. Pack a small towel to dry your dog's face, feet, and fur, and to mop up any spills.
Don't forget to gather all your things when it's time to go!
No pressure to be perfect - on you or your dog.
Some days will be easier than others. Some days your dog will remember everything you've worked so hard to teach them. And other days they will struggle. Take a deep breath. Take a moment to laugh at your dog or yourself. If nothing else, our dogs will keep us humble!
(c) Diamonds in the Ruff - all rights reserved