Making tails wag since 1996!
3400 N. Monroe St. - Spokane, WA
Questions? EMAIL!
Individual Class Tuition
and Discount Package Prices
Class sessions start monthly - 4 weeks, 1.5 hours -
once-per-week, for a total of 6 hours of instruction.
Mail or drop off check or cash
to 3400 N. Monroe, 99205
or PAY via PAYPAL using the payment buttons below:

Four-week Group Class - all levels
Beginning class
Intermediate class
Advanced class

Beginning level for dogs who have not attended a previous group class.
4-week session, 1.5 hours / once-per-week
Puppy Preschool / Puppy Kindergarten / Beginning
Choose which class, based on the age of your dog at the start of class.
Includes free download of the What is My Dog Saying body language lecture. You may deduct $15 for a second dog in the same family if you only require one handbook. If you are bringing two dogs to the same class, you must have two capable humans, one for each dog.
Auditor spots (without dog) are available.
Attend a 4-week session without your dog, learning by watching and practicing at home. Includes all class materials. If the class you want is full or you don't have veterinary clearance, you can begin training at home right away. It is also a good choice if your dog is not appropriate for a group setting or you are physically unable to handle your dog.
Beginning class (in person, audit, or zoom recording ) $175
Puppy or Headstart - includes free download of the What is My Dog Saying body language lecture. Also pay here for Distance learning package or to attend as an auditor without a dog.

First class for Pawsitive Dog Prison Graduates
Discount for Prison program graduates $100

Second Level
Intermediate level for dogs who have completed a Beginning session.
4-week session, 1.5 hours/once-per-week
Intermediate Prep Class
For dogs of all ages. who have graduated from a Puppy or Headstart class at DITR or another reward-based training school.
Intermediate Prep class $175
For dogs who have completed a beginning class
Not a previous DITR student?
You may purchase access to the Beginning level online homework & a printed handbook for an additional $75

Third Level
Advanced Classes beyond Prep
4-week session, 1.5 hours/once-per-week
Advanced Classes
A variety of Advanced options rotate monthly through-out the year. Choose your advanced class based on your needs, interests, or future goals. Pre-requisite: Must be clicker-savvy and have completed a group Intermediate level class to attend.
Advanced class descriptions here.
Advanced class - $175
for clicker-savvy Prep grads
Specialty classes - $215
Holiday Manners, Pet Therapy, Agility, Tails & Trails, Cooperative Care
Honorary Ruffian rate not available for
Holiday Manners or Pet Therapy Skills classes.
Continuing Agility discount - $175
after completing 2 Agility sessions.
1 Regular Adv class plus 1 Specialty class - $390
175 + 215

Honorary Ruffians!
Dog Nerds Unite! Dedicated students whose dog has attended 5 or more classes, may pay $150 for all future classes for that dog. (Exception: Specialty classes)

Discount Packages
Regular Group Classes
Two-class Discount Package
($350 value -$25 savings)
8 wks of training

Three-class Discount Package
($525 - $50 savings)
12 wks of training

Honorary Ruffian $150
Dog has attended 5 or more classes at DITR (Exception: Specialty classes)

Specialty Classes!
Holiday Manners / Pet Therapy / Agility
These class sessions are longer than the usual 4 week length or require additional overhead. $215.
Note: Honorary Ruffian rate does not apply. These classes are not eligible as part of a multi-class discount package.

Transfer fee $75
In case of illness or emergency, by approval, transfer to a future class.

Other amounts not listed
(enter amount)

What is My Dog Saying? $25
Canine Communication PPT download
FULL-length version. (The condensed version is included free with all class registrations.)

Please pay for your class right away. Payment must be received to hold your place in class.
Transfer/cancellation policy
No refunds. Transfers must be taken within 60 days. $75 transfer fee.

(c) Diamonds in the Ruff - all rights reserved