FIRST MOVIE NIGHT! Saturday, March 1st at 6:30PM.
We'll be getting together to view Suzanne Clothier's Relationship Centered Training DVD at the Ruff House. We'll order Pizza or Chinese or whatever is the general vote and have it delivered. BYOB and you might want to bring a more comfortable chair than the folding chairs at the RH.
Run time of the DVD is approximiately 2 1/2 hours, which if we start right at 6:30 and don't take any breaks, we'd be done about 9:00 ... so figure we'll probably get done between 9:30 & 10..
This is the first of hopefully many Ruffian get togethers. If you have videos you would like to share, let me know! After movie night, I'd love it if Ruffians who came to view the DVD would comment next to this post, so those who couldn't come can read your thoughts and observations, ask questions and we can all discuss the information.
We had a great time, great food - thanks Amy and Stacy for driving. We got through about half of it and will be setting a date to view the rest. Don't miss joining us for that one!
Suzanne will have her books/DVDs for sale at the seminar next weekend. If any of you would like to give us an order and $, we'll shop for you!