Making tails wag since 1996!
3400 N. Monroe St. - Spokane, WA
Questions? EMAIL!
Diamonds in the Ruff
Important info!
Please complete the following forms - do it now so you don't forget!
The student profile is an online form. The vet slip is a downloadable pdf for you to print and take to your veterinarian. If you are unable to access or print the forms, we will have hard copies for you to fill out at the first week orientation.
Where is Prairie Dog Pet Mercantile?
Classes are held at 5608 S. Regal, Suite 100.
Go HERE for a map.
Prairie Dog is located just North of the corner of 57th and Regal on the West side of the street. If you get lost, call 443-9663 for directions.
All family members who take part in raising your dog are welcome to join you.
Please send your tuition payment to ensure your place in class.
Tuition for a beginning class is $135. (Intermediate is $100, advanced is $95.)
If you are a returning student, you may deduct $15 if you still have your student handbook. You may upgrade to a discount package if you haven't already!
If your puppy is aged 20 weeks or under, you may add the Supplemental Puppy Games & Confidence Building sessions on Sundays at Diamonds in the Ruff, 3400 N. Monroe, 4 for $50.
Please make your check out to DITR, and mail or drop it off to 3400 N. Monroe, 99205. If you'd like to drop it off at the training studio, there is a mail slot to the left of the red door if no classes are in session and no one is there.
or you can pay by credit card via PayPal online (Our Pay Pal ID is ditr_training@hotmail.com - ditr(underscore)training@hotmail.com.)
Your check will not be deposited until the first week of class.
Did you forget to mail it? Cash or check will be accepted week one -
we are unable to take debit or credit cards at the training studio.
If for any reason your plans change, PLEASE let us know as
early as possible so we can give your spot to someone else!
Transfers, cancellations and make-ups
You are registered for Diamonds in the Ruff
classes to be held at Prairie Dog Pet Mercantile!
We're excited to meet you! Here are a few things you need to know:

Helpful tip:
If your dog is nervous or reactive around other dogs or people, a great way to alert others to his need for space is to tie a yellow ribbon to his leash as a reminder that he needs an extra margin of space in order to feel safe. Please help keep all dogs from invading the space of others, but be mindful that those with decorated leashes need extra space.
Please contact us if you have any concerns about your dog's behavior around other dogs or people. We also have instructors who do private lessons if needed!

If you'd like to stop by and drop off your tuition to our North Side location (3400 N. Monroe), please do! There is a mail slot to the left of the red door on the front porch of the training studio. Even if we are there, we will likely be teaching a class or conducting a private consult. If we aren't there or don't answer, please use the mail slot. Push it all the way through and it will fall safely inside the studio.
Please write your contact info on the outside of the envelope: including the name of the class, day/date & time, especially if you are leaving cash!
We are unable to take credit cards at the training studio. You may pay via credit card online via PayPal.