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Diamonds in the Ruff

Behavior FAQ's
Free articles & links on just about any topic!
"Dogs don’t generally have behavior problems. People have problems with their behavior."
- Jill Marie O'Brien
*Have a question? Is there a topic you wish was listed here? Let us know!*
Resources for New Puppy Owners
How early can my puppy begin classes?
How Early? AVSAB Position Statement
Management - Setting Your Dog up for Success
Introducing a Puppy to Your Adult Dogs
When your puppy won't stop bugging your adult dog - Eileen&Dogs
Introducing a Puppy to Your Resident Cat
More than one?
Navigating Littermate Syndrome: Getting Two Puppies at Once Isn’t as Easy as It Seems
How to Properly Pick Up Your Dog - Whole Dog Journal
Puppy Biting, Mouthing, Teething
Impulse Control - Impulse Control - Impulse Control
Puppies need an OFF switch - Eileen Anderson
How to Train a Puppy NOT to BITE - Zak George
Stop Puppy Biting with Handling Games - Emily Larlham
TRAIN your puppy to STOP biting your legs - Emily Larlham
Chewing / Keep away
Teach a Willing Trade
Intelligent Diversions & Creative Play - preventing Chewing & Destruction
House Training
Litterbox Training, More Indoor Freedom & Going Potty Outside
House Training
House Training the Small & Sensitive Dog
Another great article about House Training
House Training 101 - Video Kikopup
Submissive Urination - humanesociety.org
Crate Training
Crate Games with Susan Garrett
Crate Games with Zelda how-to video
Another great article about Crate Training
Teach your puppy that it's okay to be alone
How I Taught My Puppy to Sleep Later in the Morning
How Early Can My Puppy Begin?
Why Start Early? Is it Safe?
FREE downloads: Ian Dunbar's books:
"Before You Get Your Puppy" & "After You Get Your Puppy"
Tips from the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists
Organizations, credentials and what to ask a dog trainer
AVSAB Humane Dog Training Position Statement
You and Your Teenage Dog
Bossy Demands and Attention Seeking
Living With More Than One Dog
Inter-dog Aggression - Lisa Lucas
Hyper-Arousal - Hyper-activity
Impulse Control - Impulse Control - Impulse Control
Puppies need an OFF switch - Eileen Anderson
Over-Stimulated, Overly Friendly, Hyper Dogs
Training an Over-Aroused Dog - Hyperactivity, Whole Dog Journal
Karen Overall's Relaxation Protocol in daily checklists!
Dr. Karen L. Overall: Techniques For Encouraging Dogs to Relax-video
Recommended Books:
"Too Much of a Good Thing: Over-excitement in Exercise"
"Chill Out, Fido - How to Calm Your Dog" by Nan Kene Arthur
"Fired Up, Frantic, and Freaked Out: Training the Crazy Dog from Over the Top to Under Control" by Laura VanArendonk Baugh
Body Language
What is My Dog Saying powerpoint presentation on CD!
Helping Your Fearful Dog Navigate the World - Video
The 4 F's of Fear - Fear Responses
Video - dog and child danger signals
Word Buttons
Buttons, Buttons, Who's Got the Buttons?
How Stella Learned to Talk - a MUST read!
Teach Your Dog to Talk - a beginner's guide
Talking Dog Blog | Hunger For Words
Talking Dog Buttons – FluentPet
Avidog - raising great puppies
Puppy Culture
Puppy Socialization Guide - the BEST and SAFEST way! - Larlham
What Socialization IS and IS NOT
Socialization by Denise Fenzi, Oct 24, 2016
The Puppy Socialization Plan website
Domestic Social Dog vs Street/Stray Social Dogs
Petting Consent Test - should you pet this dog? Video
Growling & Barking - important communication
Treat & Retreat
What Socialization IS and IS NOT
Over-Stimulated, Overly Friendly, Hyper Dogs
Resources for New Baby/Toddlers -PDFs
Living with Kids and Dogs - Coleen Pelar
Kids and Dogs: How Kids Should and Should Not Interact with Dogs - Sophia Yin
Video - dog and child danger signals
Great books for parents:
"Please Don't Bite the Baby (and please don't chase the dog)"
All played out: Social Maturity in Dogs
Dog Park Etiquette from Petfinder
I am NOT a Dog Park Advocate-AND HERE'S WHY
5 Health Risks Lurking at the Dog Park
15 things humans do wrong at dog parks
10 more things humans do wrong at dog parks
Dog Parks are Dangerous! - From Whole Dog Journal
The Dog Park is Bad Actually - New York Times
Dog Parks Can Be Great Places for Off-Leash Activity - Bark Magazine
The Stress Factor in Dogs -book by Kristina Spaulding
The Complete Guide to Stress in Dogs (And How to Relieve It)
Fear in Dogs - Theories, Protocols and Solutions -by Lynda Taylor MSc
Karen Overall's Relaxation Protocol in daily checklists!
Dr. Karen L. Overall: Techniques For Encouraging Dogs to Relax-video
Helping Your Worried Dog
Fear and Reactivity in Adolescence
Suddenly Spooked -Secondary Fear Phase
Thresholds - Recognize & Respect Them
Growling & Barking - important communication
Treat & Retreat
What Socialization IS and IS NOT
Respect the Fear, Change the Perception
Helping Your Fearful Dog Navigate the World - Video
The 4 F's of Fear - Fear Responses
Fearful Dogs - seeing the world in detail - Nancy Tanner
Healing the Profoundly Fearful Dog - Nickala Squire
Fearfuldogs.com - a great resource!
The MYTH of "reinforcing fear" - great article by Patricia McConnell
Can You Reinforce Fear?
Neophobia - instant fear - Canine Evolutions
Canine Thunder Phobia - the Bunker Protocol
Noise Reactivities & Phobias - Karen Overall
Fireworks! - Grisha Stewart
Thunderstorms and Fireworks and Noises, Oh My!!! –veterinary behaviorist Dr. Leslie Sinn - video courtesy of Your Dog's Friend
Desensitization and Counter Conditioning
Counter-Conditioning - How This Concept is So Misunderstood
Calming Products for Anxious/Stressed dogs:
Calming Products for Fearful Dogs - by Debbie Jacobs
Adaptil - Dog Appeasing Pheromone
Anxiety Medications for Dogs - see your veterinary behaviorist
Separation Anxiety
Helping Dogs with Separation Anxiety - Malena DeMartini
The Separation Anxiety Top Ten List - Malena DeMartini
Behavior Modification for Canine Separation Anxiety - IAABC Journal
ONLINE COURSE: Mission Possible - Malena DeMartini
Blog: How to Help a Dog with Separation Anxiety
Treating Separation Anxiety in Dogs by Malena DeMartini-Price
Canine Separation Anxiety Workbook - Training Dogs to Be Alone by James O’Heare
Separation Distress and Dogs by James O’Heare
Don’t Leave Me - Step by Step Help for Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety by Nicole Wilde
I’ll Be Home Soon by Patricia McConnell
Conditioning the CANINE RETREAT - Dee Ganley
If your dog is doing any of these things,
seek professional help! In-home consults
"While you may be able to suddenly reach out for your own dog and pet him roughly or put your face in his face, if you do the same thing to another dog, even one who knows you well, it may make the dog uncomfortable, even to the point where he snaps or bites.
When you think about it this makes sense. You can joke around with and even run up to and hug friends on the street, but with strangers and even with co-workers or acquaintances, those same behaviors can been seen as a threat, insult, or just plain rude. If you randomly tried to perform these behaviors with people around you, many would put up with it, but eventually someone might attack you." - Sophia Yin
Click HERE for a great article. Don't miss the PSA!
For objectively assessing bite severity
Resource Guarding
The Truth About Resource Guarding
Video: resource guarding - WSU vet behavior dept.
Resource Guarding - Patricia McConnell, PhD
Thresholds - Recognize & Respect Them
YouTube video: Help for Dog Aggression, Frustration, and Fear: Quick Intro to BAT 2.0 | Grisha Stewart
Behavioral Adjustment Training (BAT)
Engage - Disengage
Reducing Leash Reactivity: The Engage-Disengage Game
Look at That
Leslie McDevitt's "Look at That" game pdf
"Look at That" game - video by Donna Hill
Look at that! Making the Trigger the Target - clickertraining.com
Muzzles for safety
Types of muzzles:
Baskerville muzzle
Italian basket muzzle
How to accustom your dog to a muzzle - Chirag Patel
Dog Muzzle Training and Conditioning
Muzzle Training: How To Get Your Dog To Love The Muzzle
Teach Your Dog to Wear a Muzzle - Emily Larlham
PREDATORY BEHAVIOR - cats, squirrels, birds
Harnessing the Hunter - Video on Demand - Emily Larlham
Webinar: New Ways to Manage Predatory Chasing - Simone Mueller
"DOMINANCE" is a flawed concept
The Myth of the Pack-Dogs are Social Animals, not Pack Animals
You Are Not the Boss of Your Dog - Cesar Millan popularized the idea that every pack needs a stern leader. It’s misguided—but so appealing.
Why Calm, Assertive Energy is Bullsh*t
From Dr. David Mech regarding wolf studies
Alpha Status, Dominance, & Division of Labor in Wolf Packs, Mech
Dominance and Dog Training - APDT
Using Dominance to Explain Behavior is Old Hat
The Social Organization of the Domestic Dog
Why do so few dog trainers hold up to Cesar Millan's standard?
Debunking Dominance - the Dominance Fallacy & Our Obsession with Pack Leadership
Three Days, Three Weeks, Three Months Rule of Adopting a Rescue
An Expert's Guide to Adopting Dogs: What to Know Before You Go
Are You Ready for a Dog in Your Life?
How Not to Pick a Rescue Dog - an excellent article by Grisha Stewart
Dangerous Dogs! – What Shelters, Rescues, Prospective Adopters, and Owners Need to Know
Download "Before and After You Get Your Puppy" by Ian Dunbar! FREE!
Legislation and Breed Ban links
Keeping your dog happy & healthy
Intelligent Diversions and Creative Play - preventing Chewing & Destruction
A Guide to Using Food Puzzle Toys - AVSAB
Five Go-To Enrichment Activities for Dogs
Canine Enrichment For the Real World - book, e-book
Canine Enrichment Facebook Group
Why Does My Dog Bark and Lunge?
On Leash Reactivity and Barrier Frustration
Jumping up - How to help your pup! - Cattledog Publishing
Dogs in the Country (an article from the CAPPDT)
How to solve practically any annoying dog behavior problem - by 3LostDogs.com
DON'T play with laser pointers!
Over-stimulated, Overly Friendly Dogs
What if My dog Responds Only When I Have Treats?
The Rule of Rewards
Does your dog pull on leash?
Coping with Distractions
What Squirrel? 10 Techniques for Training with Distractions
Pattern Games - pdfs- Leslie McDevitt
EQUIPMENT CHOICES - what we recommend - and don't
......Video on fitting/using Gentle Leader headcollar
Why a No-pull harness? Freedom harness video
......Harness reviews
......Retractable Leash Warning
Teaching your dog to "get dressed"
Training a sensitive dog to love their harness
Introducing your dog to a chest harness - from fear to enjoyment
Helping your dog love having his harness put on - Kiko pup
Efficacy of Dog Training With and Without Remote Electronic Collars vs. a Focus on Positive Reinforcement
Lucy China, Daniel S. Mills and Jonathan J. Cooper*
Animal Behaviour, Cognition and Welfare Research Group, School of Life Sciences, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, United Kingdom
Clicker training a deaf dog
But how do I get his attention? Tips for Training Deaf Dogs
Clicker for deaf dogs - the "Flicker"
Teaching Your Deaf Dog to Come to You - video
Do I Need a Vibration Collar for My Deaf Dog?
"Smart Bell" - it's a button that they push that rings to alert you when they need to go out. The plug-in sensor lights up when they press the bell. The button can be placed under the plug-in so they can see the LED light come on when they press the button. He can learn to make the light come on to tell you when he needs to go out. He won't hear the sound, but you will!
Clicker training a blind dog
Halo vest/harness for blind dogs
Service Dog Training Institute - ONLINE courses
SDTI - FREE course: "Choosing a Service Dog"
Public Access Standard for Working Service Dogs
ADA Access Regs Revised 2010: Service Animals
The Difference Between an Emotional Support Dog & Psychiatric Service Dog
Article about Fake Service dogs - from Anything Pawsable
Selecting an Adult Service Dog Candidate
Study: Assistance Dog -Beh Assessment & Standardized Eval
Positive Gundog Training
Blazing a New Trail: Training Gun Dogs
Positive Training For Show Dogs
The Connection Between Health & Behavior
Spay/Neuter risks and benefits:
..When Should You Spay/Neuter to Avoid Health Risks? UC Davis
..When to Spay/Neuter
Castration risks and benefits
Spay risks and benefits
Canine Cognitive Dysfunction - Dog Dementia
Over the counter medications that are safe - & not!
Interesting article on How & Why Different Animals Sleep
Giardia: Infection, treatment and prevention
Doggy DNA testing from the comfort of home
EXERCISE - When & How
What is the Logic Behind Not Exercising Puppies Until the Growth Plates are Closed?
Too Much of a Good Thing: Over-excitement in Exercise
6 ways to Thwart an Off Leash Dog Rushing You or Your Dog
Fit - or Fat?
Choosing Good Foods - Whole Dog Journal
The Shocking Truth About Pet Food
www.dogfoodreviews.net - Find hundreds of online dog food reviews
Foiling the Finicky Fido - Teach Your Dog to Eat - Sue-Ailsby
Diet & Heart Disease
FDA Investigating Potential Connection Between Diet and Cases of Canine Heart Disease - July 2018
Update - FDA Investigating Potential Connection Between Diet and Cases of Canine Heart Disease - February 2019
Interpreting the information in the initial FDA report - July 2018
Information about DCM and why some dogs eat "exotic" proteins - January 2019
Interpretation of FDA follow up report - February 2019
Why Pooches Eat Poop - Sophia Yin
Pica: Ingesting non-food items like rocks
Grooming, handling, & vet care
My Dog Struggles at the Vet or Groomer's
Less Stress at the Vet for Dogs and Cats - Companion Animal Psychology - includes many great links!
Crate Rest Activities for Dogs after Back, Hip, Leg Injuries, ACL or TPLO, Heartworm treatment, etc - video by Donna Hill
Teaching a dog to enjoy being handled, not just tolerate it
Helping your dog love having his harness put on
Training a dog to love their harness
Vet care / grooming / handling VIDEOS:
......Calm Collaborations: Chin Rest Tips
Accepting ear drops - Sarah Owings
Video - Train your pup to take a pill
Ready, Set for Groomer & Vet 1 - Laura Monaco Torelli
Chin Rest for Ear Care 2 - Laura Monaco Torelli
Chin Rest: Vol Injection & Ear Care 3 - Laura Monaco Torelli
Cone of Shame - Nando Brown
Low stress jugular blood draw
Mt Spokane Vet Clinic How-to Videos
Collect urine specimens, eye & ear drops, giving meds, brushing teeth
How do I trim my dogs toenails?
Video - Nail Trim - Chirag Patel's Bucket Game - step-by-step
Video - Nail Trim - The Bucket Game
Video - Teach Your Dog to LOVE toenail trims
Video - Nail trimming from WSU behavior dept
How to Bathe Your Dog the Clicker Way
Learning Dog Training From Television?
The Damage of Dog Whispering by Rachel Garner
The Dominance Controversy and Cesar Millan
Dog Whisperer: Frequently Asked Questions
A career with animals
I want to become a professional dog trainer
I'd like to become a veterinary technician
What about shock collars?
Expert Dog Trainer Robert Milner says Heck No to Shock Collars
Simply Shocking - Electronic containment systems (aka fenceless fences) may be convenient for dog owners, but they are not safe for dogs. By Pat Miller - Whole Dog Journal
Invisible Fences: The Bad and The Ugly - an article by Kasey LaPlace
Considering an electronic fence system? - By Norma Bennett Woolf
Please fence me in! - fencing facts from www.canismajor.com
Shock Collars - the Ugly Truth - by Valarie Barry,
Efficacy of Dog Training With and Without Remote Electronic Collars vs. a Focus on Positive Reinforcement
Lucy China, Daniel S. Mills and Jonathan J. Cooper*
Animal Behaviour, Cognition and Welfare Research Group, School of Life Sciences, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, United Kingdom
great resources
Dog Star Daily
Pet Professional Guild - Puppy Training articles
Training your deaf dog: DeafDogs.org & Deaf Dogs Rock
Not in Spokane, but looking for a positive dog trainer? Click here!
Pet Partners-Pet Therapy evaluations in Spokane
Behavior videos courtesy of "Your Dog's Friend"
Visit their YouTube video channel here!
"Help, My Dog is Reactive!" with veterinary behaviorist, Dr. Leslie Sinn, DVM, DACVB, CPDT-KA of Behavior Solutions for Pets
"PTSD in Pets" with veterinary behaviorist, Dr. Amy Pike, DVM, DACVB of Animal Behavior Wellness Center
"Fun, Enriching Activities for Your Dog" with Eager Beagle trainer, Karen Baragona, CPDT-KA
"Helping Your Fearful Dog Navigate the World" with Dog Latin dog trainer, Juliana Willems, KPA CTP, CPDT-KA
"Training tip: Polite Greetings" with Jackie Moyano, PMCT, CPDT-KA; Behavior United.
Training tip: Capturing Behavior with Juliana Willems, KPA CTP, CPDT-KA; Dog Latin Dog Training
Training tip: Attention Games with Marnie Montgomery, PMCT3, CPDT-KA; Joyful Dog
Training tip: Leash Walking with Sarah Stoycos, KPA CTP; Laughing Dog Academy
Training tip: “Leave It” and “Drop It” with Lisa Arant, Small and Tall Dog Training
Training tip: Coming When Called with Susan Sanderson, PMCT
Training tip: Targeting (“Touch”) with Michelle Mange, Right Start Maryland
1. Manage the situation to prevent what you don't want rehearsed
2. Train for what you do want
3. Be consistent and reinforce, reinforce, reinforce
4. Gradually relax management bits, testing to see if training is taking over
You have to grit your teeth and establish new habits for yourself during this process. And that might mean inconvenience on your part.
.............................................................................-- Helix Fairweather
Bones Would Rain From the Sky - Suzanne Clothier
Reaching Animal Mind - Karen Pryor
Inside of a Dog - Alexandra Horowitz
Plenty in Life is Free - Kathy Sdao
The Other End of the Leash - Patricia McConnell
Dog Sense - John Bradshaw
Great Blogs:
Nicole Wilde
Patricia McConnell, PhD
Eileen & Dogs

Pet Emergency Clinic - 326-6670
E. 21 Mission (between Division & Ruby in Spokane)
Plants that are poisonous to dogs
Essential Oil Safety With Pets - Perfume and Cologne
Emergency & Disaster Preparedness
In case of emergency, volunteers are always needed! Contact
HEART - Humane Evacuation Animal Rescue Team
Traveling by Car or Truck with Pets
(thanks to Caroline from the P2E Youth Club and Beth Pawlicki for recommending this page!)
Tips for Safely Driving with Pets
How to Keep Your Dog Safe While Driving - Suggested by Natalie at Learninghaven.com
Flying With Pets - Federal Aviation Administration
Printable Pet Safety Materials from ASPCA - Printable safety guides produced by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Pet Disaster Planning Guide by Humane Society - This guide outlines how to prepare for a disaster with pets.
Guide to Pet Safety on Construction Sites by Houzz - A guide about keeping pets safe during construction that can be shared with contractors before work begins.
Keeping Pets and People Healthy During Emergencies by CDC - The Center for Disease Control’s recommendations for what to do with pets before, during, and after an emergency.
Animal Welfare Resources by USDA - This page offers a comprehensive collection of animal welfare resources that covers a wide variety of animals and situations from the National Agricultural Library.

PLEASE - Read this REPRINT POLICY before you use our free articles:
These articles are provided free to our readers as an educational service. 1. Full credit to the author is prominently given on each & every copy, with the notation "Copyright - Carol A. Byrnes, Diamonds in the Ruff, www.diamondsintheruff.com. ditr_training@hotmail.com All rights reserved. Used by permission." 2. ALL copies distributed must be provided free of charge. (If a subscription is charged for your publication - even if you are a non-profit organization - you may NOT use these articles free of charge.) 3. If reproduced in a newsletter or magazine that meets the above criteria, full credit must be given and a copy of the publication sent to Diamonds in the Ruff. We'd also appreciate knowing who is using these articles - just drop us an e-mail & let us know which articles you like and how & why you use them. |