Making tails wag since 1996!
3400 N. Monroe St. - Spokane, WA
Questions? EMAIL!
Diamonds in the Ruff
You are registered for an Intermediate or Advanced class
Here are a few things you need to know:

Important info!
If it's been a year or more since attending class or you are not a previous student at DITR, please fill out and submit the online release:
(If you are unable to access the form, we will have a paper copy for you to fill out at the first class.)
Week one - Yes, bring your dog week one! And plenty of the highest value rewards you can muster, and a rug or mat for your dog to lie on. All family members who take part in raising your dog are welcome to join you.
If you have not attended a class at DITR within the last year, please have your vet sign your veterinary permission slip and bring it with you to class. (If you have attended a class within the last year, your VPS is on file.)
Please send your tuition payment to ensure your place in class.
Tuition for the Intermediate is $100, advanced is $95.
You may upgrade to a discount package if you haven't already!
Please make your check out to DITR, and mail it to 3400 N. Monroe, 99205.
If you'd like to drop it off at the training studio, there is a mail slot by the red door. (There is generally no one at the studio unless we are teaching classes or private lessons.)
Pay via credit card via PayPal online (Our Pay Pal ID is ditr_training@hotmail.com - ditr(underscore)training@hotmail.com.)
Your check will not be deposited until the first week of class.
Did you forget to mail it? Cash or check will be accepted week one -
we are unable to take debit or credit cards at the training studio.
If for any reason your plans change, PLEASE let us know as
early as possible so we can give your spot to someone else!
Where are classes held?
All Intermediate classes and most advanced level classes will begin at our training studio at 3400 N. Monroe, unless you have specifically selected a class that is to be held at Prairie Dog Pet Mercantile, which is located at 5608 S. Regal.
The exception is Agility for Fun:
ALL 4 weeks of these classes are held in our fenced training field, located 2.5 blocks South of the studio on Madison street.
The locations of Tails & Trails trail heads will be sent via email.
Safety First!
Toto, we're not in puppy class anymore! Your puppy may see every other dog as a potential playmate. Adolescent and adult dogs may not be tolerant of puppy shenanigans. Please prevent your dog from invading the space of other dogs or people, with their eyes or bodies!.
Not all dogs are comfortable with small humans. For safety, kids should stay in their seats and be sure to ask you and dog owners before interacting with any dog other than their own. Also, please don't let your dog rush into the space of kids, either! Please review: Kids in the Classroom
Helpful tip:
If your dog is nervous or reactive around other dogs or people, a great way to alert others to his need for space is to tie a yellow ribbon to his leash as a reminder that he needs an extra margin of space in order to feel safe. Please help keep all dogs from invading the space of others, but be mindful that those with decorated leashes need extra space to keep from feeling threatened by your dog - or you!

Locations of off-site classes will be listed in the HOMEWORK section for your class as well as your instructor's contact information. Please contact your instructor for further instructions or if you have questions.
[Passwords for classes with online homework or other important info will be given out at the first class and in your reminder emails.]
Pooches in the Park, Tails & Trails, & Total Recall classes will meet the first week at the training studio - your instructor will give you the locations for following weeks at the first class. If the class you are registering for requires additional equipment or supplies, your instructor will give you that information week one.
ALL FOUR WEEKS of Agility for Fun classes are held in our fenced training field, 2.5 blocks north of our studio.
(Click HERE for a map and parking instructions.)
The Tails & Trails 1st week orientations are held at the training studio or Prairie Dog. It is for people-only, dogs stay home. Trail head locations and maps will be posted on the homework page, and will be sent out in emails each week. If you need to contact your Tails & Trails instructor, call Amy Barker, 509-209-1413.
Please contact us if you have any concerns about your dog's behavior around other dogs or people. We also have instructors who do private lessons and specialty classes for social issues if needed!
More helpful info here:
When You Come to Class
Over-stimulated, Overly Friendly Dogs